As Seen On

Banish the “I know I put that somewhere” struggle forever...

With a Beautifully Reorganized Google Drive - While You Sleep!

Things started off organized.

You had the best of intentions.

Things started to get busier.

AND THEN... most busy business owners, organizing your digital filing system fell to the bottom of your to-do list.

You know how precious your time is - but do you really appreciate how much time is wasted looking for digital files?

If you tally up those 10 minutes per day you spend needlessly searching, it amounts to more than a 40 HOUR WORK WEEK in just a year.

Imagine what you could do with an entire extra week!

• Create a new product

• Launch a podcast

• Go on vacation with your family

• Perfect your sourdough recipe

…..literally anything is better than wasting that time looking for things that are misplaced!

And that's why I created a super-speedy, done-for-you intensive that will help you to:

✔️ Ditch the overwhelm you feel every time you open your drive (say goodbye to those 37 “Untitled Documents” staring you in the face)

✔️ Enjoy a space where you & your team can easily find everything

(and skip answering the “where is the ...?” question for the 100th time!)

✔️ Know exactly where to find - and save - the files you reference often and that need a safe place to live

(contracts and templates and branding photos - oh my!)

Ditch chaos and wasted time, and instead enjoy the confidence and peace that comes from knowing exactly where to find the files you need - when you need them!

"Like many business owners, the lack of proper organization in my digital files was slowing down me and my team.

Not only was it a breath of fresh air to have Kari work her magic overnight so we now have everything at our fingertips, but it was such a relief to hire someone that I could fully trust to work with my files in confidence. If you’re wasting time with messy files, the fix doesn’t get any easier than this!"

JULIe STOIAN, CO-Founder of Funnel Gorgeous

Whatever the current state of your Google Drive, our tested restructuring method will change everything. Introducing the...

One Day Google Drive Glow Up

The perfect done-for-you solution for online business owners who are too busy increasing their impact to keep wasting their time and killing their momentum searching for that one important file!



What's Included in the Intensive?

I have carefully designed this process to take all of heavy lifting off your plate and bring you in ONLY for those things that you need to sign off on! Here's how it works:


step one:

After reviewing your current Drive space, I’ll present you with a brand new proposed Google Drive folder hierarchy, perfectly tailored to your business.


step two:

You’ll look it over and confirm that it fits both with the way you run your business AND the way that your brain most easily categorizes information.


step three:

You sit back and relax! Log off for the day, enjoy a relaxing meal, watch an episode (or 2) of your favourite Netflix show, and tuck into bed early. You’ll snooze soundly knowing that you are building ease into your business WHILE YOU SLEEP!


step four:

Wake up, grab a coffee or tea, and make sure you’re sitting down! Prepare to be wowed when you open your Google Drive in the morning and see beautifully organized folders, arranged so you can actually find your files (and your team can, too!).


step FIVE:

To wrap everything up in a bow, we’ll hop on a short call that day to do a rapid-fire walk through of any files/folders that need clarification. We’re not done until everything has a logical, permanent home!

wonder if a glow up is right for you?

A One Day Google Drive Glow Up is a perfect fit for online service providers, coaches, consultants, and course creators who have one existing Google Drive space that desperately needs some love!


“I cannot say enough good things about working with Kari."

"If you’re someone who's like, ‘I just need somebody to support me and tell me what I'm missing or where to focus on bringing efficiency into our business’, I have to say that Kari is absolutely the right choice. I can only give her a five star review! Every single thing that she has done has been incredibly professional and streamlined and it has helped us to immensely transform our systems and organization."


And just to make sure that you have everything you need for Google Drive dominance, I’m throwing in a couple of extras:

file naming conventions cheat sheet

A full list of recommended naming conventions you and your team can start using immediately! Since creating file names with order and searchability in mind is key, I’m spilling all the details so you'll never lose another file.



Do you already use a project management tool? I’ll pop in and create your very own “Business Base” project management board with space for all the most important links in your business, and take care of adding links to all of the folders/files that you need to have access to on a regular basis.


Are you ready to stop letting your digital filing disaster be the thing that slows you down? Let’s find out!

A One Day Google Drive Glow Up is perfect for the strategic reorganization of one current Google Drive space (not a migration from under one email address to another or amalgamating two different drive spaces).

If this sounds like the solution you're been waiting for, I'd love to set up a short 15 minute call with you to make sure you have all your questions answered and that we're a great fit!

Knockout Design + Brilliant Marketing =

The Funnel Gorgeous Way

Want to hear from some past clients?

About Kari Poppleton:

99% of up-and-coming online businesses get caught in this familiar trap...

  • They focus on great design but at the cost of good marketing strategy.
  • They deploy great strategy but can't match the visuals to support it.

You know that old saying, “Teach a man to fish…”? We take that a few steps further. We don’t just give you the fish or even teach you how to fish. We give you the pond, the tools, the manual, the boat, the bait, the best times of day, and the map to get there. Plus a few fish to start out with.

ARYEH SHEINBEIN: Funnel Upper Relaunch of Sales Program

Renee Rhibar: Funnel Upper Relaunch of Sales Program

Strategic Planning + Fast Execution =

a time-consuming problem checked off your tO-do list!

You may be thinking - why now?

Disorganization in your Drive isn’t just a problem because it’s not tidy.

Even the most exciting project in the world becomes exhausting and discouraging when we can’t just dive in and get the dang thing done!

But having everything you need at your fingertips? It makes you efficient, motivated.. and pretty much unstoppable!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much of my time is required?

Not much at all! It will take 10-30 minutes to review and give feedback on the proposed new folder hierarchy, and I schedule 60 minutes for the follow-up call to ensure all of our ducks files are neatly in a row before closing out the project.

Will you rename all of my files?

While I am a firm believer in naming conventions, suddenly and radically changing up your file names would be like taking all of the labels off the cans of food in your kitchen. It might make things look shiny and uniform from the outside, but it sure makes cooking your next dinner complicated!

We’re going to focus on creating an easy-to-navigate folder structure and moving everything to exactly where it belongs!

Is this something I could do myself?

If you love to organize, maybe! But something has held you back from doing it up to this point, and it’s evident in the free-for-all in your current Drive space.

The goal of this intensive is to take this task off of your already long to-do list and knock it out so quickly that there will be no disruption to your work!

I need to combine two Google Drive workspaces (or move my files from under one email address to another). Does the intensive cover this?

The Google Drive Glow Up is only for reorganizing one existing Google Drive space.

If you are looking to amalgamate Drive spaces or transfer all of your files from one Drive space to another, it can be a time and labour-intensive project so I’ll need a bit more detail from you to give you an exact quote!


"Kari helped us to legit organize everything. And trust us when we say it was a mess before she got there."

She saved us a massive amount of time, massive amounts of headache, and everything's just so much cleaner, which just makes our lives so much easier! Kari’s also just a delight to work with and super communicative. She is amazing at what she does and you will definitely not regret it."